Category: Mental Health

Sleep Can Reduce Anxiety in Worriers, Study Shows

Access Behavioral Health Services | August 16th, 2013

“click here or full article”
New research published this June in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests that the lack of sleep commonly associated with anxiety disorders may actually exacerbate symptoms of worrying. Results from the study strongly support the theory that sleep loss triggers the excessive anticipatory brain activity associated with anxiety, indicating that maintaining a healthy sleep pattern can help alleviate symptoms of anxiousness.

While past research has shown that people with anxiety disorders tend to show hyperactivity in two major emotional brain regions known as the amygdala and anterior insula cortex, researchers from the present study were the first to establish a pattern of causation by directly testing the impact of sleep deprivation on anticipatory brain responses preceding emotionally salient events.

The study conducted at the University of California, Berkeley examined the brains of 18 healthy adults, once while sleep-deprived and again while well-rested. Researchers used fMRI scans to monitor brain activity while participants viewed a series of either neutral or disturbing images. Prior to viewing the images, participants were primed with visual cues intended to trigger anticipatory anxiety. The cues depicted a red minus sign to warn for unpleasant images, a yellow circle to warn for neutral images or an ambiguous white question mark intended to provoke feelings of more intense anticipation in viewers.

Mental Health in Schools: A Role for School Resource Officers

Access Behavioral Health Services | August 2nd, 2013

click here to be directed to the NAMI site
By Laura Usher, NAMI CIT Program Manager

In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, NAMI has been flooded with questions about how to recognize when a young person has an emerging mental health condition and how to keep schools safe. We

NAMI Idaho

Access Behavioral Health Services | July 12th, 2013

NAMI Website
NAMI Idaho was organized as the state organization of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to serve those impacted by mental illness in the state of Idaho. Pursuant to its Bylaws, NAMI Idaho will:

1. Serve as the Idaho state organization chartered by NAMI;

2. Agree to endorse the mission, values and policies of NAMI;

3. Develop statewide positions on issues relating to mental illness and advocate for such positions at the state level;
4. Assist in the coordination of local, state and national mental health advocacy efforts;

5. Serve as a conduit in communicating NAMI and NAMI Idaho issues to the local community-based NAMI Affiliates in Idaho (hereinafter referred to as

Idaho’s suicide prevention hotline expands hours

Access Behavioral Health Services | June 27th, 2013



Posted on June 27, 2013 at 10:55 AM

Updated today at 1:04 PM

BOISE — Just a year ago, Idahoans in need of emotional support had no local hotline to call when faced with suicidal feelings or thoughts.

Now, just months after staffing a call center to help those in need, the Idaho Suicide Prevention hotline will add an evening shift to its hours of operation.

The hotline can be reached at 1-800-273-TALK.

The newly expanded hours will be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday beginning July 1.

The J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation and St. Luke’s Health system gave gifts of $37,500 each to fund the expansion.

Those in need of help can call the hotline, and will be connected to trained Idaho phone responders who can refer them to key resources in their communities. The ISPH also will be able to offer follow-up calls to individuals seeking help.

Suicide of 6-year-old stresses need to watch for signs

Access Behavioral Health Services | June 14th, 2013

by Scott Evans
Bio | Email | Follow: @ScottEvansTV

Posted on June 12, 2013 at 5:03 PM

Updated yesterday at 1:44 PM


NIMH vs DSM-5: No One Wins, Patients Lose

Access Behavioral Health Services | May 10th, 2013

Click here to view full article
The flat out rejection of DSM-5 by National Institute of Mental Health is a sad moment for mental health and an unsafe one for our patients. The APA and NIMH are both letting us down, failing to be safe custodians for the mental health needs of our country.

DSM-5 certainly deserves rejecting. It offers a reckless hodgepodge of new diagnoses that will misidentify normals and subject them to unnecessary treatment and stigma.
The NIMH director may have hammered the nail in the DSM-5 coffin when he so harshly criticized its lack of validity.

But the NIMH statement went very far overboard with its implied promise that it would soon find a better way of sorting, understanding, and treating mental disorders. The media and internet are now alive with celebrations of this NiMH ‘kill shot’. There are chortlings that DSM-5 is dead on arrival and will perhaps take psychiatry down along with it.

This is misleading and dangerous stuff that is bad for the patients both institutions are meant to serve.

NIMH has gone wrong now in the very same way that DSM-5 has gone wrong in the past — making impossible to keep promises. The new NIMH research agenda is necessary and highly desirable — it makes sense to target simpler symptoms rather than complex DSM syndromes, especially since so far we have come up empty. And the new plan will further, and be furthered, by the big, new Obama investment in brain research. But the likely payoff is being wildly oversold. There is no easy solution to what is in fact an almost impossibly complex research problem.

New NAMI Fact Sheet

Access Behavioral Health Services | April 19th, 2013

click here to be routed to NAMI site
Fact Sheet
Opiate Abuse and Mental Illness
The term “opiate” refers to a number of different substances

FDA requires lower doses for sleep medications

Access Behavioral Health Services | January 11th, 2013


Boise police officers say they shouldn

Access Behavioral Health Services | August 24th, 2012

The Idaho Statesman
Boise police officers say they shouldn

Voting Rocks!

Access Behavioral Health Services | August 17th, 2012

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